Advanced NDT Services

Boroscope Inspection

Boroscope Inspection is an established and valuable technique and is used for the internal inspection and quality control of various components for corrosion, blockages and condition of internal components during construction, in-service, maintenance and troubleshooting applications.

Verification of structural integrity, identification of potential problem areas and inspection of components within non accessible areas and hostile environments can be performed by using boroscope method in all industry sectors.

NDT Inspections ltd provides trained inspectors equipped with video boroscope and robotic crawlers with high definition cameras to perform remote visual inspections and quality control on gas turbine engines, assessment of the integrity of process lines and for well functioning of the various components,finding foreign material and contamination sources in the interior piping and vessels, Checking internal welds for individual standards etc.

Remote Visual Inspection

Remote Visual Inspection allows examination and inspection of components within non accessible areas. It can eliminate the need for man-entry and often requires much less preparation than man-entry.

NDT Inspections ltd personnel with multi-skilled inspectors and with several years of experience and interpretation on Visual testing are able to offer Remote Visual Inspection by the use of zoom cameras with illumination mounted on special crawlers to view, measure, record and manipulate in small spaces.

Time of Flight Diffraction (TOFD)

Time of Flight Diffraction (TOFD) technique offers the highest probability of detection rates and the lowest false call rates of any inspection technique. Computerized electronic data capture and storage, in conjunction with scanning manipulators enable rapid scanning speeds to be achieved TOFD has now been accepted as an alternative to Radiography in Pre-Service Inspections with standards such as ASME 2235, and its use in pipe weld and thick walled pressure vessel fabrication is now common place.

The greater accuracy of the TOFD analysis means that operators of plant, pipelines, etc. can have increased confidence in the results when compared to conventional manual pulse echo techniques and in many cases this leads to extended plant life and reduced operating costs.

The TOFD technique is highly reproducible so it is often used for creating baseline surveys of components. Even after a number of years, if there has been no in-service damage or deterioration of the component, the TOFD scan data will be almost identical to that of the original baseline survey. Even if a baseline survey was not performed at the time of fabrication it is still possible to perform an inspection, even with visible in-service flaws and use that data for comparison with future inspections.

Many industries including nuclear, power generation and oil & gas companies use TOFD to regularly monitor known flaws within components.

It is the best technique for the detection and sizing of weld root erosion and weld root corrosion in pipe welds as it uses the tips of flaws to determine the depth and throughwall extend of the erosion/corrosion.
TOFD can also be used in combination with the phased array technique to provide the ultimate volumetric weld inspection.

Phased Array

Ultrasonic Phased Array technology has become the established method for advanced NDT testing applications. Phased Array techniques allow the user to control parameters such as beam angle and focal distance to create an image of the test part, enhancing defect detection and speed of testing. In addition using the latest computer technology data can be permanently recorded for processing and report generation.

Phased arrays offer significant advantages for weld testing and corrosion monitoring. Ultrasonic phased array applications are commonplace in many industrial areas, with the benefit being the capability of storing a full record of inspection. A-Scan, B-Scan, C-Scan and S-Scan visual displays provide a simple way of understanding the type of flaw and its dimensions.

The multi-disciplined professional workforce are trained and qualified to international standards in accordance with BS EN 473:2008 and ISO 9712:2005. The culture of continuous training, including regular refresher training, ensures that every employee is capable of working to the highest standards with the latest technology in the most demanding of circumstances.

Phased array can also be used in combination with the TOFD technique to provide the ultimate volumetric weld inspection.

Corrosion Mapping

Corrosion mapping by ultrasonics is a non intrusive (non invasive) technique which maps material thickness using ultrasonic techniques. Variations in material thickness due to corrosion can be identified and graphically portrayed as an image. The technique is widely used in the oil and gas industries for the in-service detection and characterization of corrosion in pipes and vessels. The data is stored on a computer and may be color coded to show differences in thickness readings. Corrosion may be mapped using Zero degree ultrasonic probes, an Eddy current array and/or Time of flight detection methods.

Our company is using a “fully automated dual axis robotic scanner used for corrosion mapping normally using a single zero degree compression probe scanned in a raster pattern over the area of interest.

The RMS2 (Rapid Motion Scanner) is a high speed automated ultrasonic C-Scan corrosion mapping system which can is capable of scanning critical pipework with a minimum diameter of 6 inch (152mm) and larger.

The RMS2 corrosion mapping system is designed for rapid, large scale inspection of ferrous structures such as storage tanks, pipe-work, pressure vessels, risers and other critical equipment.


Corrosion Mapping and Corrosion Detection MFL Floor Scanner. The FloormapVS2i is a computerised MFL inspection system designed to detect, size and map corrosion on storage tank floors and is currently the most widely operated MFL tank inspection system in the world. The battery powered, motorised FloormapVS2i scanner is complimented by powerful, yet easy to use dedicated software packages that work seamlessly to enhance efficiency and simplify the data collection and reporting workflow.